Monday, October 27, 2014

Discipleship Growth

            Two months ago, way back on August 25th, we met Moses together for the first time. Some of us, naturally, had met Moses before, in Sunday School, maybe, or in our devotions, or from another preacher’s sermons. But August 25th was the first time that you and I met him together. He was just a baby back then, a little child at the mercy of his dedicated mother and sister, a boy threatened by a vicious Pharaoh. Since then we’ve watched Moses’ life go by, scene after scene: at the burning bush, before the throne of Pharaoh, crossing through the Red Sea, receiving the manna, striking the rock, hearing the Ten Commandments, standing in the breach, and beholding God’s glory from the cleft of a rock. Now, at the last, we find ourselves saddened by Moses’ death, at the edge of the Promised Land.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Give to God the Things That Are God's

Preached By Lynn Davis, Lay Servant at Centre UMC


Today, the Lord put it on my heart to expound on the New Testament reading of Matthew 22:15-22. The question the Pharisees tried to use to entrap Jesus…..the question about paying taxes.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Standing in the Breach

            Think about this: Have you ever defied God? Have you ever looked at a circumstance and said to God, “No. You can’t do this. I won’t allow it.”? Would you even dare to do something like that?

We spend so much time in church learning to be reverent and deferential toward God that we can forget that there is more to faithful obedience than being God’s yes-man or yes-woman. We expect our faithful speech to be full of praise and gratitude and thanksgiving. In recent times we have become obsessed with saccharine faithfulness. We have praise and worship services that gloss over life’s difficulties. It’s headline news when a saint like Mother Teresa or a church leader like Pope Francis or Canterbury Archbishop Justin Welby admits to wrestling with God over daily struggles of faith and discipleship. Our prayers are full of chatter about thanking you so much God, and loving you so much God, and being so amazed at how wonderful you are God.

Monday, October 6, 2014

You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor

            “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” It’s the ninth commandment, low enough on the list that it almost didn’t make the cut. It doesn’t have the prominence of “you shall have no other gods before me” or “remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.” “You shall not bear false witness” is not one of the two greatest commandments, according to Jesus. Despite this, or maybe because of it, after number six, “you shall not murder,” number nine has probably suffered the most at the hands of people looking for technicalities, backdoor exits, and loopholes. “You shall not bear false witness” really boils down to “you shall not lie,” which is how God puts it at other points in the Pentateuch. And that’s exactly where the problems begin for us, because we are all really good liars. We lie all the time. “How’s this dress look on me?” Lie. “What do you think of my new haircut?” Lie. “How much did you spend at the… grocery store, ballgame, bar, last night?” Lie. “Can you make it to my dinner party this Friday?” Lie.